AI governance, artificial intelligence, Canada, model AI regulation, OSFI

Canadian OSFI launches digital technology consultation process.

Feedback on technology use, including AI, by Canadian financial institutions sought OSFI

AI standards, artificial intelligence, legal theory, NIST, Principles of AI regulation

NIST requests comments on “Explainable AI”

Kind of a scary logo, no? The US National Institute of Science and Technology has issued a paper entitled Four Principles of Explainable Artificial Intelligence and has asked for comment. The paper is premised on the idea that explainable AI increases trust in AI. It suggests that the fundamentals that contribute to explainable AI are:… Continue reading NIST requests comments on “Explainable AI”

AI governance, AI: What is it?, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence law, definition of artificial intelligence, Principles of AI regulation, Regulating AI, United States

White House principles on AI governance

The White House Office of Science and Technology policy has released draft regulatory principles  for the governance of AI. The memorandum proposes policy considerations to guide regulatory and non-regulatory oversight. Notably we also have a legislative definition of AI adopted from the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act: "(1) Any artificial system that performs tasks… Continue reading White House principles on AI governance

artificial intelligence, NIST, Regulating AI, Uncategorized, United States

NIST makes a list

As part of its response to the White House's February 2019 executive order on artificial intelligence, the National Institute of Standards and Technology has issued a plan for federal engagement in developing technical standates and related tools . Technical standards are notied as being important to drive innovation, public trust and public confidence and to develop… Continue reading NIST makes a list

artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence law, Canada, Regulating AI

Nothing, Eh.

I mentioned recently some US state initiatives on artificial intelligence. A further round up of those is here. Lots of potential regulatory first steps underway. Or at least discussions about it. So if the states are underway, what are Canadian provinces doing? Pick your favourite Canadian province and run a search to see if they are doing… Continue reading Nothing, Eh.